Q & A – Factsheet for Parents
Q & A – Factsheet for Parents
How many lessons will my child receive over the course of a year?
Your child will receive 30 lessons over the course of a year from when their lessons start. This is based on 10 lessons per academic term. JMP term dates are September to December – January to Easter – Easter to August.
What happens if I pay termly?
JMP Music will send out e-mails and reminders to parents when the termly payments are due.
JMP Music collects these payments on a termly basis in advance. Preferably by bank transfer. Payment should not be left with the school or the teacher but paid directly to Jonathan Paul. Lessons will not commence until the termly payment has been made.
Termly payments need to be paid at least 4 weeks before the start of the new term.
JMP Music will be collecting this payment on behalf of the teacher, and the payment will be passed onto the teacher at the start of the new term.
What happens if I pay monthly?
JMP Music collect these payments on a monthly basis, preferably via standing order by the 15th of the month, i.e. January’s payment must be paid by 15th January. Payment should not be left with the school or the teacher but paid directly to Jonathan Paul.
The 30 lessons are divided into 12 equal amounts. Some months will have more lessons than others.
Payment must carry on through holidays including August to ensure all 12 payments are received.
Monthly payments need to begin the same month as the lessons start.
JMP Music will send out e-mails and reminders to parents when payments fall behind, and when this exceeds 2 months, JMP Music reserve the right to stop the lessons until the payment has been cleared.
JMP Music will be collecting this payment on behalf of the teacher, and the payment will be passed onto the teacher at the end of the current month.
How can I pay?
Payments can be made either by Cheque made out to Jonathan Paul and delivered to 54 Manor Drive, Peterborough, PE4 7AT either by post or by hand. Or standing order/bank transfer using account details: Account Number: 29003792 Sort Code: 54 21 38. Please do not leave payment at the school or with the music teacher. If the payment methods are not suitable please call 01733 732242 to discuss alternative options with Debbi.
Are additional lessons available?
Yes, if there are additional weeks left once the 30 lessons have been completed, extra lessons can be arranged subject to teacher availability. This will be communicated to parents before the completion of the 30 lessons.
These additional lessons are not compulsory, and there is a charge for these in addition to the regular payments.
What happens if my child misses a lesson?
Lessons will be made up (where possible) except when the child if off sick or on holiday. Teachers usually have spare weeks at the end of each school term in which allows them to make up lessons missed during that term.
If the minimum of 10 lessons isn’t covered in any given term, they can be rolled over into the next term or JMP Music can issue a refund.
Lessons do not take place every week of the school year. When a lesson doesn’t take place, teachers will communicate this with parents and where necessary arrange another day for the lesson.
Teachers will also advise when lessons are starting each term, as lessons don’t always start the first week of an academic term.
Can the lesson length be increased?
Yes, lesson length can be increased subject to teacher availability. If a teacher feels a pupil will benefit JMP Music will contact you.
What is the process if I want to cancel lessons?
JMP Music require this in writing from a parent stating that their child wishes to stop lessons. If this is part way through a period (monthly or termly) that has already been paid for, then no refund will be given.
Can I change between termly and monthly payments?
Yes, but only once a term has been completed and before a new term commences.
Who is it best to communicate with?
Preferred method of contact is by email to jmpmusic_tuition@hotmail.com
Payment queries should be marked for the attention of Babs and general JMP music enquiries/complaints should be marked for the attention of Debbi.
Will my child have a chance to perform?
Yes, JMP Music aim to organise at least 1 performance in each academic year for children to be involved with. Most are during the school day, but some are outside of school time.
The school will advise if parents are welcome to attend these perfromances. Other smaller performances e.g., to a class, may be possible during the year.
Will my child have the opportunity to take graded exams?
Absolutely yes! All aspects of this will be organised with the teacher directly.
Will my child get a report like in other subjects?
Yes, the teachers issue annual reports towards the end of each Summer term.
However, if you have any concerns or questions about their progress at any time, please contact the teacher directly and they will assist you.
Can my child get rewarded for good work as in other subjects?
JMP Music work with the schools to allow teachers to issue house points/certificates where this is warranted.
Many teachers have stickers and other small reward systems in place.
JMP Music is currently working on a scheme to bring in termly awards/certificates for pupils, along with end of year awards/certificate ceremonies.